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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

The Law of Gender

The law of gender states that everything in the universe has both a masculine and feminine energy. Unbeknown to many is that both energies coexist and the importance of striking a balance between the two energies cannot be emphasized enough. Embodying just one or the other will have far reaching consequences in the sense that one will either not progress at all or will push themselves too hard to an irreversible breaking point. Therefore, our pursuit of happiness common goal will be rendered useless in the face of lack of advancement or ill health due to exhaustion.

In as much as the word gender has been used in the law, it by no means makes reference to gender as we know it in terms of either being male or female but rather the law is a representation of the two opposing energy types; one that nurtures and one that drives. In order to succeed in business or in the corporate world, both genders have to embrace their masculine energy to make an indelible mark. This goes to show that the society is skewed in favor of masculine energy as opposed to the feminine energy hence overlooks the importance of the softer, nurturing and accommodating energy.

The wind does not break a tree that bends is an African proverb whose practical meaning is self-evident. However, lurking below the surface is a deeper meaning. Life is full of paradoxes. Interestingly enough, the persistent person does not always have their way neither does the fastest runner always win. Likewise, the most educated person can fail to be the most successful and the disciplined person can similarly fail to live a balanced life despite being well put together. Maybe the last example can be explained away that outward appearance can deceive but what of the other examples?

Whereas the aforementioned traits are admirable, they appear to have some form of drawback. There seems to be a point beyond which these virtues switch to vices. Wisdom can among other things enable one to discern and swiftly recognize the switching point. At what point does one know when to be free enough to be responsible; the point to stop drinking when the night is getting started. Having one too many is not the slightest bit interesting. When does a strong person become vulnerable enough to share their feelings? Drawing a line in the sand is easier said than done.

In other instances, it is good to be rigid but when the load exceeds the limit and the breaking point is reached, you will break into two pieces the same way a dry, rigid stick does. Therefore, allow yourself to bend and breaking will be the least of your worries as it will be a mirage in the horizon. In other interactions, rigidity is the spark that sets the engine in motion so to speak. If you know you know.

When I was growing up, I loved travelling. I was elated one evening when my mother broke the news that there was an upcoming trip scheduled for the next day. In as much as we were to travel by public means, I was excited nonetheless. Prior to boarding the minivan, my mother bought some snacks and safely tucked them away in her handbag; to be dished out at various intervals as the trip progressed. Shortly thereafter, she heard my rumbling stomach and handed me a brown bag. Without wasting time, I proceeded to open the package. No sooner had I caught a glimpse of what was inside than I swung to action and with little thought threw it out of the window to the farthest corner it could reach. At that point, I wished I had more space and energy to throw it even further away.

Such items were to be flashed away and ought not to be seen outside the confines of the toilet walls. Therefore, I felt slighted and the look on my face revealed that much. Little did I know that I had literally thrown an opportunity outside the window to sample a delicious Kebab. It had an uncanny resemblance to something else not worth mentioning. In this case, rigidity worked against my best interests. If I had an iota of open mindedness, I would not have wasted that golden opportunity. The rest of the trip was uneventful. Both my anger and hunger subsided somewhat when I was handed a pack of chips as well as a bottle of soda to quench away my thirst and wash away my sorrow.

The above example depicts the law of gender in action. I failed to strike a balance between the two opposing energy types and leaned heavily towards rigidity which is the masculine energy. Subsequently, I paid a small price. In other cases, the consequences can be dire. Therefore, it is key to note that when it comes to life, there is no one size fits all approach to handling issues that come our way. We have to adjust our sails as the situation demands. This is in line with the law of gender. On one hand, it is perfectly in order to spare the rod and speak to a child when they commit an infraction and on the other hand, it is perfectly fine to hold no bars and spank accordingly in other instances. In closing, don’t be so much in love that you can’t tell when it is raining. Balance is key.

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