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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

The Law of Vibration

The law of Vibration advances the notion that everything in the universe is in constant motion and is vibrating at a specific frequency. It’s hard to fathom how this could be the case whereas most objects appear to be rock solid. Without delving into the scientific aspect, on a basic level it is key to note that about 99% of the human body is made up of atoms. When an object or body is viewed under the microscope one might question their own sanity. The atoms are held together by a chemical bond. Would hate to imagine what would happen if the bond was absent. Your atoms would certainly fly off into space and you may have a tough time literally getting yourself together. Mark you, there are more atoms in your body than there are stars in the entire universe hence getting your act together will be no mean feat.

Negative energy vibrates at a low frequency. Conversely, positive energy vibrates at a high frequency. When something vibrates at a lower frequency, it feels as heavy as lead and on the other hand, it feels as light as a feather when it vibrates at a higher frequency. The same case applies to emotions since emotion is simply energy in motion. This explains why you feel bogged down during your downtime and you can hardly lift a finger to get any meaningful thing done besides gobbling down food. Carrying the weight of the world is no joke. On the other hand when you are happy, you often times feel as though you can fly off through the roof. Won't be surprised if you actually do because in actual sense you are lighter courtesy of the high vibration. The only thing that will keep you grounded so to speak is the chemical bond which will among other things ensure that you don't fly off in the spur of the moment and spend eternity trying to gather your atoms back together.

There are a thousand ways to skin a cat. Therefore, there are various ways through which you can raise your vibration. The rap singer Master P once said “there ain't no limit to what we can do”. He must have been on to something. This is the case when we vibrate at a higher frequency. One such way of raising vibration is through giving. A research study was done which alluded to the fact that giving actually does boost one's happiness. You derive personal satisfaction from lending a hand. This in turn motivates you to work harder. As a result, you will get more money and give more through the motivation and happiness vicious cycle.

This lends credence to the theory that states the more you give the more you receive. After all is said and done, it boils down to one thing: pursuit of happiness. It’s vital to identify what makes you tick and go for it. You will move mountains when you constantly vibrate at a higher frequency. Of key significance to note is that pursuit of happiness is highly subjective and varies from individual to individual. If meditation goes against the grain and does not sit well with you, dance or tickle a baby if you so fancy. The Key is to be happy and it's only you who knows where the key is. I can sit down quietly in a corner writing content and minding my own business for hours on end oblivious as to what is going on in the surrounding. Whereas someone else cannot sit still for a second since they will be bored stiff.

As I was writing this, a God's must be crazy scene unfolded before my very own eyes. Hardly paid attention to much and decided to keep myself busy while using public transport. The driver opted to fly solo and so when a passenger attempted to alight upon reaching his destination, he was literally caught between a rock and a hard place. Since there was no conductor and the passenger side door had jammed, the driver had to come out and open it. When he stepped out, the vehicle started rolling backwards. He exasperatedly made a mad dash to pick a stone from the roadside and placed it a short distance back in order to prevent the vehicle from moving further down. We waited with baited breath, luckily it worked. In the movie it didn't work but in our case it worked like a charm.

Didn't know what to make of it. In the heat of the moment, we were scared stiff and I forgot to say “aiya-yaya-yai” like the character in the movie but later let out a hearty laugh to blow off steam. Mark you, the one seated next to the driver did not flinch one bit and neither did he make an attempt to step on the brakes. He must have been vibrating at a low frequency and felt too heavy to move his foot or maybe he chose the last option in the fight, flight or do nothing scenario. We indeed have a special class of truly roadworthy passenger vehicles. The vehicle owner must be squeezing every penny out of it instead of investing in it.

In the air force, jet fighter pilots use a G-Suit to prevent blood from pooling at the bottom during a sudden upward acceleration. The danger of blood pooling at the bottom is that the pilot might lose consciousness and forget to bring the plane back down. Among other things, the G-Suit helps to ensure that the blood stays in your head so that you can have control of your mental faculties and do something as basic as think. You can only imagine what can occur if blood circulation to the brain is cut off and you’re flying upward, you will go on and on never to return. Bearing in mind the speed at which the fighter jet is travelling in is mind-blowing. Likewise, a story takes time to develop. Didn’t want to rush through the article from start to finish in two seconds while on auto-pilot with no blood on my head. After all, cooking ugali entails a lot of twisting and turning for a top notch product but surely and slowly we will get there. In the meantime, kindly accept my sincere apologies for the digression.

One evening several years ago while working the graveyard shift, I received a guest. For avoidance of doubt, the graveyard shift refers to the night shift. Luckily enough, the CEO of the organization showed up at such a time when I was still productive and actively engaged in the right duties. The time was not yet ripe for the intoxicated lasses who made my life difficult via flashing in an attempt to get free packs of cigarettes. Unlike the other days, he didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry. He waited patiently as I served the customers and I followed strict protocol because he was hawk eyed. In the back of my mind I was like enough already since the pressure was a notch higher. Interestingly enough, God was on my side because I received several compliments in his presence.

After the customers had left, he let the cat out of the bag and shed some light on the purpose of his late night impromptu visit. He remarked at how everything seemed to be in order and then went on to add that he felt that I was now ready to take the helm. He saw the bewildered look on my face. I had only been promoted to the Assistant Manager position barely six months earlier hence I did not feel ready. I felt as though I was about to be thrown into the deep end of the pool. The Moses reluctant leader moment lasted a while longer than it should have and the two of us standing side by side was a juxtaposition of sorts; His gentlemanly mien would fool you but he was a seasoned corporate titan from the Middle East and I was an inexperienced African lad with a heavy accent. Moreover, the give and take discussion was rib cracking. He pointed out the reasons he felt I was the right pick and up to the task while I vehemently opposed not in a forceful way but in a gentle manner. He gave me a few days to mull over the decision and reach out to him.

The journey that culminated to this point began less than three years earlier. A young lad with an African accent barely out of his teens walked into the store for a job interview. After securing the job, I put all my energy into the role. I was ill suited for another job I had secured in the healthcare industry; story for another day. By all means this one had to work. Couldn’t afford to drop the ball. At that point in time, I had to repeat myself several times over before I was understood because the accent stood in the way. That notwithstanding, my work performance spoke for itself. I had a fascination actually borderline obsession with perfection and often times gave myself a hard time when the register till balance did not tally with the actual cash balance. A cent over or under would destabilize me for hours on end. The longest streak of perfect balance lasted slightly over a month. Not sure whether to classify this as OCD or honesty. The jury is out and the choice is yours. Honesty has a better ring to it hence I better blow my own trumpet.

The job loved me and I loved it back. My personal motivation was a notch higher because my effort was appreciated at every point and turn. Spent more hours at work than I did at home and that did not work to anyone’s disadvantage because I was a Bachelor. I was caught up by adverse weather on several occasions and had to work longer hours but was least bothered since that meant more money trickled into my account. The more I worked, the more money I received. In addition, customers loved me and if I missed a day, I received some tongue lashing from my ardent followers. My boss would often remark that I made her life easier and as a result, she spent less hours at my store than she did at the others because she knew everything was in order. Interestingly enough, it is during this period that I experienced accelerated growth; both in earnings and advancement. Personal satisfaction and motivation was high as well. This underscores the importance of vibrating at a high frequency. I was happy most of the time and doubled my effort. Luckily, no effort went to waste.

In as much as the CEO had given me time to consider his offer, he proceeded to set in motion succession plans as soon as we parted ways that evening. Was dismayed one evening a few days later when I reported to work as usual. Shortly thereafter, I was handed the instruments of power so to speak and took the helm barely one year after being an assistant. Was thrown into the limelight and the days of hiding behind the manager under the pretext of learning the ropes was now in the rearview mirror. Within no time I realized it was equally good. Continued working there and gave my best effort until the time I relocated to a different locale to pursue other interests to increase my knowledge base.

In conclusion, the importance of raising your vibration using all means necessary cannot be emphasized enough. A cost benefit analysis will reveal that the benefit exceeds the cost hence it’s a worthwhile move. If something has the potential of throwing you into doldrums, try as much as you can to dodge the ball. The good thing about happiness is that it is like a fragrant flower, you cannot give it to others without having it smell on you. Francis Bacon once said “It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else, and still unknown to himself.” Bear that in mind as you take time off for self-reflection in order to determine what tickles your fancy so as to increase your vibration and help you move mountains.

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