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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

The Law of Polarity

The law of polarity states that everything in the universe has it’s polar opposite. Joy has sadness, tall has short, light has dark and so forth. The list is endless and cuts across the board affecting all facets of life. Contrast gives more clarity to life and accentuates focus. In the face of adversity, pursuit of happiness takes center stage. Similarly, in the face of high ceiling walls, changing a light bulb can become a daunting task for the vertically challenged individuals but they can either count on the support of the vertically blessed or engage the use of a ladder.

In addition, in the face of darkness one can count on light to end their misery. Instead of groping in the dark, the flick of a switch can make all the difference provided the electricity bill has been paid. If not, rest assured that in a matter of time natural sunlight will erase the darkness at sunrise. When it comes to human complexion, not sure if polarity plays a pivotal role in spouse selection as opposites apparently attract. If a doctorate degree is in my life path, I will leave no stone unturned to ascertain whether opposites do in fact attract. Those seeking tall, dark and handsome men are possibly the opposite. Therefore, a starting point of the research will be to ascertain if this is the case and dating sites data will come in handy.

Often times one wonders why the universe serves us both hot and cold. It appears as if the universe has mood swings deeply embedded in its modus operandi. However, as alluded to earlier contrast serves the role of acting as a guide; fear of poverty might propel one towards the opposite end of poverty. Even if what you really want to achieve is not clear enough, you will definitely have a vivid impression of what you do not want courtesy of contrast. Moreover, as a testament to the fact that the creator made well calculated moves, variety adds spice to life. It’s hard to imagine how life would be if we all had the same height, weight and complexion. We probably wouldn’t know any better if that was the case and would cringe at the idea of there being tall, heavily built and light skinned people; how disgusting.

Joy definitely has sadness and I can attest to this. In my case the switch appeared in quick succession. Barely a minute earlier I was over the moon and then a spanner was thrown in the works. Here is the scoop. Several moons back when I was just about to graduate into having a two digit age count, my older sister and I paid our aunt a visit. Such occasions were hard to come by and it being a sleepover visit made it the more exciting. Upon arrival, we wasted no time and played with our cousin.

There was hardly a dull moment even though every now and then my cousin and I would engage in a supremacy battle of sorts. She barely gave me a chance to speak but this did not dampen my spirit. I found a way of sneaking in a thing or two about my family since that was the bone of contention in the monologue. My tenth birthday was right around the corner and I knew that something was lined up. However, just as my son would often say he has eaten in the kitchen but hasn’t eaten in the dining yet and so he would proceed to claim the dining potion as well. Likewise, I also wanted to have my cake and eat it too. I put up a good show and convinced an older cousin to purchase sweets for us; to be paid back from the proceeds of the actual birthday.

Upon receiving the money earmarked for the sweets purchase, we made our way to the store. The three of us; older sister, cousin and I. We were thrilled beyond measure and engaged in lively chit chat. By this time my cousin and I had buried the hatchet. Within no time we had covered the half a kilometer trip and stood at the counter of the shop. It’s interesting how when one’s pocket is loaded, one is spoilt for choice. After spending what seemed like a lifetime, we parted with the coins and in exchange we had a variety of goodies safely tucked away in our pockets. Couldn’t wait to get home.

No sooner had we left the shop than hell broke loose. After negotiating a bend, a pack of marauding dogs broke our party. We set off in different directions. It was man for himself and God for us all. I tore through the neighborhood like a mad man and got carried away. Little did I know that I had passed the gate and was now in unchartered waters. The creatures were breathing on my neck at this point in time and were breathing fire at that. Wondered out loud what did I do wrong to deserve such treatment. If seeking advance payment was such a blatant crime I was willing to return the goodies back to the store. I was running out of breath and felt that my goose was cooked. Therefore, in a split second decision I made a one second prayer and then lay down on the dirt pavement. I was too exhausted to create a mental image of what would happen next. Imagine being shredded to pieces; flesh, clothing, bones and sweets in the pocket. The only thing missing was salt and pepper.

Anyhow, how I survived to tell the tale is anyone’s guess. I would also be lying if I narrate what transpired since I only remember walking into the house like a legend and grinning from ear to ear when I saw my partners in crime safe and secure. Their part of the story remains unsaid to this day. What matters most is that we all made it back. It’s amazing how barely five minutes earlier I was filled with tremendous joy but all that joy vanished into thin air in the face of marauding dogs. How I swung from joy to the opposite end of joy is testament to the fact that the universal law of polarity does in fact exist.

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