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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Sun Tzu in the art of war once stated “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” It is against this backdrop that I have set out on a journey that aims to kill two birds with the same stone. On one hand, there is the pursuit of self-discovery mastery and on the other hand there is the universal mastery. Herein lies the pursuit of knowledge with regards to how the universe operates. As a disclaimer, I’m by no means insinuating that the universe is an enemy. However, if victory is the goal then something has to be vanquished and knowledge is a key ingredient to success.

The law of perpetual transmutation of energy is a mouthful and is the least understood universal laws of nature. However, it is premised on the fact that energy is neither created nor lost, it simply changes from one state to the other and is in constant motion. Moreover, everything in the universe is made up of energy. Therefore, it follows suit that since energy is constantly changing, the same applies to our circumstances. Every fraction of a second brings change.

In addition to the aforementioned, energy flows where attention goes hence we can tap into the positive energy by raising our vibration. This is easier said than done and I’m sure the next question would be how does one raise their vibration? From my perspective, this can be accomplished if one gets to understand that our thoughts determine our emotions, our emotions determine our behavior and our behavior determines our results. With that said, the key to raising our vibration lies in monitoring our thoughts. In as much as we are bombarded with negativity, we should rise above that and maintain a positive outlook. If the glass is half full approach to life is tricky, pour whiskey into the half full glass and make merry to raise your vibration. The point is to do something that puts you in a feel good state every now and then even if it means dancing when nobody is watching; by all means do it. To each their own. Situations change and the power lies within.

Several moons back when I was a second floor member, no sooner had I landed into the floor than I was hit with a ton of bricks with regards to life as a an adult. Being in a foreign land made it that much harder. When I compare my current situation and then, I’m convinced that the law of perpetual transmutation of energy does in fact work and is evident in our lives. In as much as I have not accomplished all my goals, I have completed most and the most important thing is that I have a roof over my head. Over time, there are several things in life I have come to appreciate and this is as a result of the experience I went through. Therefore, it is key to note that things do in fact change. Feel good and have a big goal in mind and the universe will respond in kind.

The alarm clock went off one winter morning at a quarter to six. I got out of the sofa and made my way down to the basement. I had settled down to sleep at one because my roommate was busy on the computer and wanted to watch a late night show. The living room doubled up as my bedroom hence I was at his mercy. Being half rested was neither here nor there, it was the norm at that point. Three hours of sleep was a luxury and therefore, I was more than grateful for the five hours that night. There was a crack on the window and the cold was brutal but I survived nonetheless. Don’t ask me how.

When I got down to the basement, lo and behold half my clothes were covered in mold. I spent a better part of the fifteen minutes allocated to preparation sifting through the clothes in an attempt to figure out what was useful at that point. Thereafter, I went two floors up to take a shower. A lot of calculation went into that process. Go up in a towel, brave the cold and come down fully dressed. Breakfast was hard to come by. Therefore, after showering and getting ready, the exit door awaited save for one thing. I had to ensure that I have everything required to keep off the house for three days. Toothbrush, change of clothes, books etc. The commute was brutal since I lived thirty or so miles away from civilization. Civilization in this case being where I worked and schooled hence not to disparage where I lived. Prior to take off, I also had to scrap the ice off the car and spend a few minutes warming the car while at the same time ensuring that I do not come into contact with the icy ground which I did on several occasions. I had no place to call my own and the time I was around I had to make myself useful by helping out in the house.

Life on the other end was not a walk in the park either. After getting off work at 3 in the afternoon, I would either mill around a nearby mall or go to the park to catch a nap before heading back to work at 11 pm. Often times, I would go to the school gym and take a shower before heading to the library where I would spend countless hours to pass time. The silver lining is that I became more fit and knowledgeable as a result thereof due to spending more time at the gym as well as the library. Rest assured that all school assignments were completed on time. I even got allocated a private study space; a luxury office of sorts by a friend who was pursuing graduate studies. Therefore, armed with the office key in hand, I would rest easy knowing I had a private space to keep off the noisy confusion of life as I pondered on what lay ahead. He went on to pursue a doctorate degree thereafter. I followed his footsteps to the graduate level and lost momentum or rather priorities shifted. Hopefully, one day I will also get an opportunity to add another feather on my cap and rise to his academic level.

One such afternoon, I almost landed in hot soup. I secured a nice parking spot at the mall and decided to get some shut eye. No sooner had I reclined the car seat than I heard a loud bang on the car door. I opened my eyes and caught a glimpse of a police officer standing next to the car. Several thoughts raced through my mind. In the back of my mind I was trying to figure out what crime I had committed. Little did it occur to me that someone not accustomed to melanin had felt threatened by my presence and acted as though the country was her private property let alone the mall. “I don’t know what the gentleman is up to” the old lady mumbled. The irony in that statement puzzled me; a gentle person is least likely to threaten me unless of course I’m the kind of person who can punch you in the gut while maintaining full eye contact with a smile to boot.

Save for getting a speeding ticket a while back, I had no other prior contact with law enforcement hence I felt I was as clean as a whistle. As soon as I stepped out of the car, I was bombarded with a thousand questions and it almost felt as if I was a ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ contestant only thing being the correct answers didn’t earn me a tidy sum of money. Luckily, I didn’t change state like water when subjected to heat; it vanishes into thin air. I remained as solid as water when exposed to freezing temperature.

The officer and the lady became less confrontational the more I talked about Finance and they became convinced that I was a college student. What a close shave that was. I managed to escape jail or worse by a whisker. “Do have yourself a lovely afternoon and move where there is more shade to avoid the sun’s glare” the officer said as he walked back to his patrol car. The lady begrudgingly faded away into the horizon never to be seen again. I was as cool as a cucumber throughout the ordeal. However, I vanished into thin air as soon as they left lest they turned back with vengeance. Barely a minute earlier, I bragged about being solid whereas shortly afterwards I vanished. This goes to show how things change and that nothing remains static as per the dictates of the law of perpetual transmutation of energy.

When I finally moved into my own place closer to my activity centers, boy was I glad. The tough life of toil was now behind me. I marveled at the idea that the bathroom was next to my bedroom as opposed to a floor up. No longer did I have to use several comforters and blankets to counter the chilling cold from the cracked window. If I wanted to sleep at any time, I was at liberty to do so. The small things in life mattered and I appreciated them more. On the school front, graduation was around the corner hence my burden felt lighter. From my vantage point, things were looking up and the tide appeared to turn in my favor.

In addition, the back breaking commute time was cut by more than three quarters and so if I forgot something in the house, it wasn't such a traumatizing and agonizing event. Not to mention food; easy and unfettered access to the fridge prompted a weight gain spree within a short span of time. I could go on and on about the trajectory my life took thereafter. As to whether or not all this was positive change, I'll take a back seat and let others judge. The only given is there was change be it negative or positive. Therefore, if one is going through a tough time, they should seek consolation in the fact that things will change. Learning to harness positive energy will increase the odds of manifesting positive outcomes. As a parting shot, Sun Tzu once stated “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” The key to unlocking success starts within hence the onus is upon us to effect positive change.

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