Ideas are a dime a dozen and people who implement them are priceless but like corn, most of them explode or pop when exposed to the heat. With that said, action has to be taken nonetheless regardless of whether or not the action will bear fruit. It is always better to try and fail but don’t fail to try. After all, a cow doesn’t stop drinking water from a well because of a croaking frog next to its nostrils.
The law of inspired action is the spark that sets the engine in motion. In order for dreams to manifest and goals to be achieved, a critical catalyst invoked is real, actionable and inspired steps. Inspired action feels effortless, adds you joy and takes away any form of stress. Most of all, it is inherently aligned to your goals hence will move the needle and take you towards your dreams. Unlike planned action, inspired action flies into your mind without active pursuit. It’s often described as an off the wall idea that popped from nowhere, egged one on and bears the characteristic of a strong inner urge. Live in the moment and trust in the process are critical ingredients which should be ignored at your own peril.
When the shepherd comes home in peace, the milk is sweet. Good things come out of a peaceful, quiet and conducive environment. This underscores the importance of living in the moment. Calmness and tranquility can enable you to kill two birds with the same stone. First, you will be better equipped to work through the noisy confusion of life and navigate through challenges with ease. Two, you will listen to the universe and pick up signs or nuances easily. That way, no signs sent by the universe will escape your attention. In turn, you will be better placed to take inspired action.
In High school, a friend used to be amazed at how calm I used to be and would often remark to the effect that nothing seemed to ruffle my feathers. When everyone was running helter-skelter, I remained unmoved even when we were standing in line to get a good beating. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Some of the occupants of my household have such tendencies as well. My philosophy used to be and still is that worry doesn’t change anything. After all, the stick will still land on you whether you are calm or worried. In any case, it is better to spend the time productively while waiting for your turn. Often times I would get a light sentence owing to the fact that I wasn’t a trouble maker so the teachers let it slide.
A short person hangs his bag where his hand can reach. Therefore, work within your means and use your tongue to count your teeth if the situation calls for it. This underscores how vital it is to trust the process. You may not have everything you need at the onset and you may be unsure as to where everything is heading to but that should not hinder you from taking the leap of faith. Little by little, the bird builds its nest. Similarly, any form of inspired action no matter how small it is goes a long way in the overall scheme of things.
A while back barely a year ago, my wife implored upon me to consider fasting for an extended period of time. In order to sway the decision in her favor, she enumerated the benefits and despite my initial objection I agreed. An opportune moment presented itself during my annual leave. The last thing I wanted was to faint at work to the amusement of many and benefit of none. The onset of the two week fruit fast period was fraught with challenges. I inadvertently dragged an unwanted beverage into the process and faced the wrath of an irate partner. Battled with a myriad temptation and almost fell prey to fraudsters at one point. The silver lining is that I discovered I had a knack for writing and have not stopped jotting down my thoughts since then.
The fasting apparently triggered a reset that returned me back to factory settings. We tend to go round in circles rightfully so because our maker left us to our own devices. Into this world we were thrown like a dog without a bone and interestingly enough, no one has the manual of life. Therefore, we figure things out as we go. Two decades on, several degrees later and now back to factory settings. Was good in writing while in school and loved it. Thereafter, I chose a different path with little regard to what I loved, did with ease, came effortless, entailed great passion and filled me with intense joy. Whoever coined the phrase life begins at forty must have been on to something. The analogy has some semblance of truth. As one approaches the fourth floor, chaff is cleared so that you know what to focus on since the floor holds no prisoners who still want to engage in trial and error.
It later dawned on me and I came to the realization that all along, I have utilized my skill set in the wrong order. My love for math influenced my decision to pursue a highly quantitative course. I opted to count other people’s money and then write a report about it as opposed to writing and then counting my own money. After the fasting period lapsed, the law of inspired action nudged me towards the latter option which seemed to be a feasible endeavor that comes naturally with ease. To that end, I took a series of actions that culminated in several articles being published in magazines across the globe. A roaring lion kills no game. Without an infusion of inspired action, merely sitting and talking gets you nowhere unless you are a video content creator who can sit and talk for hours on end then smile all the way to the bank.
The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth does not change color to match the chameleon. Similarly, I deemed it worthwhile to study the universal laws of nature so as to get a good grip on how to handle life on earth. The earth is more than welcome to study me as well in order to render the earlier statement useless. As a parting shot, don't disregard those random ideas that come to you in the still of the night when all else is deftly quiet. More so if the same trail of thought has occurred to you more than once. Jot them down if you will and if you lose a few minutes of sleep over it worry not. Shun temporary comfort for long term gain. Listen and act without fail. Don't forget to thank me later when you hit the jackpot. We'll share the spoils and I’ll do the same. After all, a negligible fraction of a hundred billion dollars is enough to go around. Kindly tap into the light-bulb moments will you?