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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

Karma Law of Growth.

The law of growth stipulates that dwelling on what cannot be changed is as inconsequential as watching the paint dry. Instead, one ought to place a laser sharp focus on what can be changed. A leopard can’t change its spots. Therefore, the sooner it accepts that the better. Self-reflection is as critical an ingredient as sugar is to cake because it will make it easy for one to identify what can be changed. There are several ways of killing a rat and the same goes with growth. One can break the mold and try a different approach aside from fitting in with the crowd or reinvent the wheel by making something better. If on the other hand one has confidence in their initial approach, then one is more than welcome to start from scratch or follow the out with the old, in with the new approach.

Karma refers to the force that is generated by a person’s actions. The law of growth is one of the subset laws of karma. The two are interconnected in the sense that in the absence of action, little to no growth is to be anticipated. Expecting to reap where no sowing took place is foolhardy. Therefore, nurture your skillset and be cognizant of the fact that it is vital to remain on the straight, narrow path. As the focus on growth takes center stage one ought to ensure that positive actions are deeply entrenched in the process so that positive karma as opposed to negative karma is yielded at one point or the other down the road.

According to estimates done over time, extroverts outnumber introverts by a three to one margin. It is not uncommon to encounter cases whereby introverts are made to feel out of place and they can easily be under the misguided impression that they are abnormal. To add salt to injury, more often than not extroverts try to change them and that is akin to forcing a leopard to change its spots. Such is the case that befell me on countless occasions.

When I was barely a teen, we used to travel every now and then. Often times we would attend wedding ceremonies and other social engagements. Interestingly enough, I yearned for the journey but not so much the event. This ran contra to the expectations of the rest. Such events subjected me to a whirlwind of emotions that left me drained but the trip charged my batteries. The same case applied to the noise that emanated from animated conversation. This depleted my energy reserves and so I often times sought solace in the comfort of silence.

Such is the life of an introvert. The only drawback is that one can easily be deemed as unfriendly through no fault of your own if you step out for a minute from a social engagement to get a breather. By no stretch of the imagination is a change of personality possible. Therefore, the best one can do is to accept and move on to areas where change is within one’s sphere of influence. If on the other hand one has been successful in changing their personality for any other reason besides political expediency, feel free to share pointers.

In a prior work role, I sought to reinvent the wheel and managed to reap massive gain. Were it not for the latitude I was given by my superiors to perform my role as best as I knew how, the feat would not have been achieved. I used to be bogged down by a certain daily deliverable and more often than not I racked my brain for ideas on how to break the monotony of performing the task. As fate would have it, I caught wind of and explored the option of automation. I dug in deeper and the effort yielded fruits. Not in my wildest imagination had I ever thought it was possible to apply automation to excel related tasks. After all was said and done, a click of a button completed the task and freed up several hours which was redirected to other productive engagements.

Richard Stallman once said that sharing knowledge is the most fundamental act of friendship because it is a way you can give something without losing something. I share the same sentiments. Several colleagues sought my services and I freely shared the knowledge to all that came knocking. Subsequently, I began to encounter growth and my territory was expanded. The idea of sharing knowledge without restraint was informed by my innate inclination towards generating positive karma. Luckily enough, the kind gesture caught the attention of the members of the upper echelon of the organization and this set off a series of events that culminated in growth by leaps and bounds. Chance seems to favor the prepared mind or maybe in my case it was a fortunate stroke of serendipity. I’m inclined to believe that the former was the case. In closing, know all you say but don’t say all you know.

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Hellen Owuor
Hellen Owuor
Jul 30, 2023

Relevant with great insight on growth. Many can relate and be inspired by this writing

Allan Bett
Allan Bett
Aug 13, 2023
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Thank you.

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