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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

Karma Law of Creation.

The Law of Creation stipulates that in the absence of action, goal realization is like getting blood from a stone and will only happen when pigs fly. Therefore, it goes without mention that achieving a goal requires work and tenacity. The law is anchored on the widely held view that behind every creation there is a creator. In as much as the energy created through intentions, thoughts and emotions are vital, it will barely work if you don’t. The law works across the board and affects all facets of life. It would be foolhardy to expect money to rain from the sky above or to anticipate a baby to magically appear without some effort and or labor. Similarly, sowing precedes reaping and the law of creation is anchored on this principle.

Karma refers to the force that is induced by a person’s deeds. The Law of creation is one of the subset laws of Karma. Work or action is a critical component of the law of creation and Karma is the repercussion of the action. This is essentially how the two are interconnected. In other words, creation is where the sowing takes place and karma is where reaping occurs. Therefore, the key to success is pegged on creation. Getting it wrong at creation and expecting to reap massive gains is akin to seeking to find a Philadelphia location using Atlanta’s map. I’m quite certain that this would be an exercise in futility. The law of creation teaches us that if you want to reach your goals, always think and orient your action towards your dream. A supporting environment is as critical an ingredient in the overall scheme of things and this entails the company you keep, what you do, how you spend your time, talent and energy as well as your source of motivation.

Several decades back when I was barely a teen in elementary school, I enjoyed the comfort of being in the middle of the pack when it came to academic performance. However, this did not sit well with my folks and they felt I had massive untapped potential. Caning and scolding did little to change the tide. At some point I was left to my own devices and the parting shot was I would end up in a village high school if the same trajectory continued. This barely swayed me as it seemed further from the truth. In any case I’m the type of person who is motivated by rewards as opposed to the fear of punishment. By happenstance, I started associating myself with the big boys and within no time there was an uptick in my performance. In as much as we barely talked about academic work while in their company, I miraculously did well and continued to do so thereafter. This underscores the importance of keeping the right company if the overarching goal is to play in the big league.

Creation entails a great deal of planning as well as action. When I finished High school, my old man and I took a stroll to the furthest end of the farm one evening. It seemed odd that we were making our way there whereas there was nothing of interest. Aside from grass, the land largely lacked visual appeal. With a notebook in hand, he began to scribble a few things as he intermittently switched his focus from the paper to the land and vice versa. This went on for what seemed like a lifetime and he hardly spoke a word. After he was through, he closed the book and casually asked “Should this be a boys or a girl’s school?” Without flinching one bit, I chose the latter option for reasons best known to myself. He followed through with his plan. Within no time, site excavation took place and several years down the line, the school is fully operational. Nobody has ever drowned in their own sweat. Therefore, one ought to roll up their sleeves and work towards a goal. If it’s worth conceiving, it’s worth working for. After all, tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Shortly thereafter, I proceeded to the land of opportunity to pursue further studies. After the initial culture shock wore off, I had little latitude and quickly had to learn the ropes. Within no time, I had a full plate and a hectic schedule to boot. To blow off steam every now and then, I would drive several miles out of the way to a place we first visited upon landing. I was blown away and mesmerized by the towering building which had a vast array of entertainment options that catered to the needs of many. My naïveté led me to the false conclusion that no other place in the city had the same things. This informed my decision to make the tedious trip. In as much as the trip took a toll on me, it acted as a source of motivation and allowed me to blow off steam. One day I decided to explore the neighborhood. Lo and behold, it dawned on me that the building which was a stone’s throw from my apartment had exactly what I needed to save me the long trip. Even though it is foolhardy to go searching for bones in a lion’s den, taking calculated risks is worth a try. After all was said and done, I found a convenient place to visit when the going got tough and I needed a source of motivation to help me weather the storm. This is vital since it makes the creation journey smoother.

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