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  • Writer's pictureAllan Bett

Karma Law of Connection

The Law of Karma has twelve subset laws. However, most people are under the impression that Karma is essentially all about the law of cause and effect. Until recently, I fell into that category as well. A little digging here and there led to the discovery that the law of cause and effect is one of the twelve subset laws of Karma. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Karma is the force generated by a person’s actions. Therefore, it follows suit that the subset laws play a pivotal role in guiding our actions. With that said, we will delve into one of the twelve laws and the Law of connection will form the centerpiece of this discussion.

Everything in our life is connected. In as much as the past may seem remarkably different from the present, who you are today is the result of your previous actions and who you will be tomorrow will be a direct offshoot of the actions you undertake today. Likewise, our net worth is a lagging measure of our financial habits whereas our weight is a lagging measure of our eating habits. Therefore, anything you do under wraps will bear fruit be it nine months later or longer. In addition to the aforementioned but unrelated to the nine months reference, we are also connected to each other and this underscores the importance of building a rapport with other human beings if nature as well as circumstances permit. In a nutshell, the law of connection is premised on the above.

Rising early makes the road short. Came to learn this the hard way a few years back. When I discovered my passion for writing by happenstance, I set a long term goal and was cognizant of the fact that both time as well as effort is required for one to accomplish a goal. Amidst a busy schedule, I didn’t know where to get the twenty fifth hour. However, interestingly enough a baby nudged me to take baby steps and out of the blues time magically appeared. The baby in question is an early riser who wakes up at the crack of dawn and doesn’t give anyone peace thereafter. He will go out of his way to ensure that everyone else in the household wakes up as well no matter what day of the week it is. I decided to make lemonade out of lemons. The early bird moment is used to among other things reflect, research and write content. Subsequently, more time has been freed up for productive engagement. Were it not for the young man, I would be nowhere close to where I am with regards to content quality and quantity. Little by little, a little becomes a lot and the dots between my present and the future will be connected.

If the pan is not heated up, the corn cannot pop is an African proverb whose meaning is self-evident. Without going through the furnace of life and getting a burn mark or two, we cannot achieve our full potential. A childhood friend failed and tried several times over to get his practicing license. A fail did little to dampen his spirit. In any case, it added fire to his belly and strengthened his resolve. In the midst of all this, he never lost sight of his goal even when things seemed hazy. Others felt he was punching above his weight and he became a laughing stock. What at the time seemed like a pigment of imagination is now reality. He managed to get his license by the skin of his teeth and as we speak, he has a chain of stores. He is living a life he dreamt of eons ago. I can vividly see a connection between his past aspiration and present life. The dots are connected.

Many years ago, I walked into the dreaded public speaking class. I felt sick to my stomach. Lo and behold, more than half of the students in the class were people I knew and had built a rapport with over time. I had never encountered such a thing before. It was commonplace to encounter at most two familiar faces in a new class. Apparently, most people put off taking the course unit until they couldn’t postpone it any longer. Being a mandatory course coupled with the fact that graduation was right around the corner meant that everyone was pushed to a corner and there was no wiggle room to escape. Interestingly enough and this holds to this day, in the moment leading up to the presentation tension is at its peak but as soon as you hit the podium, the tension dissipates and vanishes into thin air hence making you wonder what the fuss was all about.

Was reminded of the proverb if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Everyone thinking the same way and opting to take the course at that opportune moment increased the familiarity quorum thus made it easy to get through it. The building and the course wasn’t as intimidating as we anticipated. Within no time we were through. In this instance, connection with others paved the way for success in the course. In as much as the mind stops when you get up to speak in public, seeing familiar faces while standing at the podium puts one at ease. There are of course exceptions to the rule but it holds true for the most part. In closing, until the rotten tooth is extracted one must learn to chew with caution. Sometimes we have to endure tough situations not because we love to but because we have to. In order to connect the dots, we have to pay our dues.

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